A Bakery

At this house a lady was interested on getting 3 books and to help me with my studies. When I was about to leave, I noticed that she gave me   enough donations to get a bakery (7 books).  I didn't want to leave it like that, so I began to offer more books and being persistent, and by God's help she accepted 4 more books. One of the books she was really interested was Bible answers for the home. She also, told me that back in China she was an atheist, but in 2013 she met the Lord, since then she wanted to learn more about him.

Something that I would like to add is that she was in a hurry, she had to leave, but still she stayed and listened to me and accepted God's message. There is people out there that is waiting for the Lord, they are looking for the truth and are willing to listen, our job is to go out and leave a book at their houses, and let God do the rest.


Locked out


Pray without Ceasing